Social Gaming Targeting

Social gaming refers to online games that emphasize interaction between players, whether through multiplayer gameplay, in-game chat, cooperative missions, or competitive challenges. Unlike traditional single-player video games, social games focus on community engagement, shared experiences, and real-time or asynchronous interactions between users.

Social games can be played across multiple platforms, including mobile devices, social media networks, gaming consoles, and web browsers. Many social games are free-to-play and monetize through in-game purchases, ads, or premium content. These games appeal to a wide range of players, from casual gamers looking for entertainment to dedicated players engaging in long-term gaming experiences.

Key Features of Social Gaming

Social gaming stands out due to its interactive and community-driven nature. Some of the main features include:

  1. Multiplayer Gameplay – Players can compete against or collaborate with others in real-time or turn-based formats.
  2. In-Game Chat & Social Features – Many social games include built-in messaging, voice chat, or forums where players can interact.
  3. Friend & Team Mechanics – Games often allow players to add friends, join teams, or form guilds for collective gameplay experiences.
  4. Leaderboards & Competitions – Rankings and competitive elements keep players engaged and encourage social sharing.
  5. Cross-Platform Play – Many social games are available across multiple devices, allowing users to continue their gaming experience seamlessly.

Types of Social Games

Social games come in various genres, appealing to different interests and skill levels. Some of the most popular types include:

  • Casual Games – Games like Candy Crush and Words With Friends are designed for short, fun sessions and are highly accessible.
  • Social Casino Games – Online card games, slots, and poker games that allow players to compete and interact.
  • Multiplayer Battle Games – Competitive games like Fortnite and PUBG where players battle in large multiplayer environments.
  • Simulation & Virtual World Games – Games like The Sims, Roblox, and Animal Crossing that let players build, interact, and explore.
  • Cooperative Role-Playing Games (RPGs) – MMORPGs like World of Warcraft and Genshin Impact encourage teamwork and community building.

Why Social Gaming Is Growing

The social gaming industry has seen rapid growth, driven by several factors:

  • Rise of Mobile Gaming – Mobile devices have made gaming more accessible than ever.
  • Increased Social Connectivity – Players enjoy staying connected with friends through shared gaming experiences.
  • Streaming & Esports Popularity – Platforms like Twitch and YouTube Gaming have boosted the appeal of multiplayer social games.
  • Advancements in Cloud Gaming – Cloud-based platforms allow for smoother, real-time multiplayer experiences.

The Future of Social Gaming

With advancements in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and AI-driven gaming, the future of social gaming is evolving toward more immersive, interactive, and personalized experiences. As more people turn to games for entertainment, connection, and even professional esports careers, social gaming is set to remain a dominant force in the digital entertainment industry.

Across our managed publishers, we see millions of Social Gaming online searches each month. We are able to leverage our contextual targeting engine to provide a unique opportunity for companies advertising online products, apps and games, seeking to reach their target audience.

Reach Social Gaming Customers

We offer the ability to either advertise on pages next to Social Gaming content or to people who have previously looked at and played online games that encourage engagement, community, and collaboration in the past. We know that people looking at Social Gaming content online are most likely interested in refining their marketing strategies, targeting high-value accounts, and optimizing their revenue generation.

Social Gaming Targeting Solutions

Realtime Targeting
Our Realtime Social Gaming Targeting option allows an advertiser to run their advertising next to social gaming content as the individual scrolls down the page. This is the best way to promote gaming-related products, entertainment services, lifestyle brands, and other relevant offerings. We can run this targeting across our own managed supply and via audience extension.

Social Gaming Audience Targeting
Our Social Gaming Audience Targeting options allow an advertiser to run their advertising targeted to people who have recently looked at social gaming content. This offers a significantly larger scale than our Realtime Targeting option, ensuring broader reach and engagement.

Popular Social Gaming Searches
We see a wide range of social gaming-related searches and content across our publishers. There are literally thousands of social gaming searches each month. The top twenty social gaming searches we see include:

  • What is social gaming?
  • Best social games to play online
  • Top multiplayer mobile games
  • Social gaming verse traditional gaming
  • How to make friends in online games
  • Most popular gaming apps
  • Free multiplayer games to play with friends
  • How do social games make money?
  • Best casual games
  • Top social casino games
  • How to stream social games on Twitch
  • Social gaming trends
  • How to develop a social game
  • Online games to play with family
  • Best virtual worlds for socializing
  • Facebook social games
  • How to market a social game
  • How do in game ads work?
  • Cross platform social games
  • Future of social gaming

Campaign Options for Targeting