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What is Run of Site ?

Run of Site, commonly abbreviated as ROS, is an advertising approach where advertisers entrust the placement of their advertisements on a website to the publishers. This means the publisher has the liberty to decide where the ads will appear. While this model offers several advantages, it also has inherent challenges that advertisers should be aware of.

Run of Site operates on a similar principle to RON (Run of Network). Run of Site campaigns typically work best when the ad campaign’s objective is creating brand awareness and reaching a vast amount of people. Since there are very few options of targeting with placement, Run of Site is best used if the ad is relevant to a broad audience, as opposed to a very narrow one. Run of Site is also successfully used for retargeting and branding campaigns.

Advantages of Run of Site

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: One of the primary draws of ROS is its potential for reduced advertising costs. Since advertisers don’t specify exact placements, they often benefit from more competitive pricing.
  2. Broad Reach: Given that the ads can appear anywhere on the site, there’s a higher probability of reaching a diverse and extensive audience. This is especially valuable for brands looking to bolster general awareness.
  3. Flexibility for Publishers: ROS can be an attractive proposition for publishers, as it grants them flexibility in ad placement, ensuring optimal site design and user experience.
  4. Efficiency in Campaign Execution: Without the constraints of specific placement requirements, ROS campaigns can be launched swiftly, allowing for quicker market penetration.
  5. Retargeting and Branding: ROS can be a potent tool for retargeting efforts and branding campaigns. By maintaining a consistent presence across various pages, a brand can reinforce its message and stay top-of-mind for consumers.

Disadvantages of Run of Site

  1. Limited Targeting: The most significant challenge with ROS is the lack of precise targeting. There’s no guarantee the ad will reach its ideal demographic, potentially diminishing return on investment.
  2. Unpredictable Placement: There’s always the risk of the ad appearing on a page or section that’s less relevant or even inappropriate for the brand, leading to potential brand dilution.
  3. Variable Engagement Rates: Without strategic placement, engagement rates can fluctuate. An ad might not always be positioned in the most attention-grabbing or user-friendly spots.
  4. Overexposure: There’s a thin line between awareness and overexposure. If users see the same ad too frequently across different pages, it could lead to ad fatigue.

Typically, Run of Site campaigns are paid through CPM (cost per thousand impressions) model, although there are instances of using CPC (cost per click).

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