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What is ROS ?

ROS, or Run of Site, is an advertising term that refers to the placement of ads on various pages of a website without specific targeting criteria. This type of advertising allows advertisers to reach a broader audience and increase their brand visibility. ROS campaigns are typically used to create brand awareness and drive traffic to a website. Advertisers can choose to display their ads on specific websites or ad networks that offer ROS placements, giving them flexibility in their advertising strategy.

Benefits of ROS Advertising

ROS advertising offers several benefits to advertisers. One of the main advantages is that it allows advertisers to reach a wider audience, increasing their brand visibility and driving traffic to their website. ROS campaigns are also relatively inexpensive compared to targeted advertising, making them a cost-effective option for businesses with limited budgets. Additionally, ROS advertising can help to reduce ad fatigue, as ads are displayed on various pages of a website, reducing the likelihood of users seeing the same ad multiple times.

Creating a ROS Advertising Campaign

Creating a ROS advertising campaign involves several steps. First, advertisers need to define their marketing objectives and identify their target audience. They then need to choose a website or ad network that offers ROS placements and create ad creatives that effectively communicate their message. Advertisers also need to set a budget and closely monitor their campaign’s performance, making adjustments as needed to optimize their results. ROS campaigns can be employed in various online advertising formats, including display ads, banner ads, and text ads.

Measuring the Success of a ROS Campaign

Measuring the success of a ROS campaign involves tracking key metrics such as click-through rates, conversions, and return on investment (ROI). Advertisers can use these metrics to determine the effectiveness of their campaign and make adjustments to optimize their results. ROS campaigns can also be used to drive sales revenue and increase net profit. By closely monitoring their campaign’s performance, advertisers can ensure that their ROS campaign is meeting its objectives and making a positive impact on their business.

What is Run of Site ROS?

ROS, also referred to as Run of Site, is an advertising term that pertains to advertisers giving up control over the placement of their ads. In ROS campaigns, ads appear on an individual site rather than across multiple sites, allowing for slightly more specific targeting. ROS allows publishers to place ads as they see fit, which typically results in lower costs for advertisers. This type of site advertising is suited for businesses aiming to boost brand exposure and reach a larger audience through flexible ad placements across various online formats. However, the main disadvantages of ROS are narrowed targeting options, which can result in less leads or sales.


ROS operates on a similar principle to RON (Run of Network). ROS campaigns typically work best when the ad campaign’s objective is creating brand awareness and reaching a vast amount of people. Since there are very few options of targeting with placement, ROS is best used if the ad is relevant to a broad audience, as opposed to a very narrow one. ROS is also successfully used for retargeting and branding campaigns.

Since the ROS approach consists of both on-page placement and the selection of pages on which the ad will be placed, it can be beneficial if all pages and positions on the site are equally relevant to consumers.

Typically, ROS campaigns are paid through CPM (cost per thousand impressions) model, although there are instances of using CPC (cost per click).

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Food Targeting Categories

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