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What is an In-house Programmatic Trading Desk?

An In-house Programmatic Trading Desk (sometimes also referred to as an Internal Trading Desk or Brand based Trading Desk) are a team of digital advertising executives who are responsible for managing and executing Programmatic Advertising campaigns within a company. Programmatic advertising uses automated software to purchase and place digital advertising on websites and platforms at scale. The in-house programmatic trading desk is responsible for setting up and managing the programmatic campaigns in-house rather than outsourcing to an agency.

What are the Advantages of an In-house Programmatic Trading Desk team?

There are several advantages to in-housing a programmatic team;

  1. Cost-saving: In-housing a programmatic team can save a company money in the long run. By not having to pay agency fees, a company can allocate those funds to other areas of their marketing budget.
  2. Control: An in-house programmatic team has more control over the campaigns and can make decisions quickly and efficiently. They also have a deeper understanding of the company’s brand and target audience, which allows for more targeted and effective campaigns.
  3. Data ownership: When working with an agency, the data collected from the campaigns belong to the agency. With an in-house team, the company retains ownership of all data collected, allowing for better insights and analysis.
  4. Flexibility: An in-house programmatic team has the ability to make changes and adjustments to campaigns quickly and without the need for approval from an external agency.

What are the Disadvantages of In-housing a Programmatic team?

While there are many advantages to in-housing a programmatic team, there are also some disadvantages to consider:

  1. Cost: Hiring and training a team of programmatic experts can be expensive. This cost may outweigh the potential cost-savings of not working with an agency.
  2. Limited resources: An in-house team may not have the same level of resources and expertise as a larger agency. This can limit the scope and scale of their campaigns.
  3. Time-consuming: Setting up and managing programmatic campaigns can be time-consuming, and an in-house team may not have the capacity to handle a large volume of campaigns.
  4. Limited experience: An in-house team may not have the same level of experience as an agency that has worked with a variety of clients and industries. This can lead to less effective campaigns.

What are use cases that in-housing a programmatic team can do over an Agency Trading Desk?

There are several specific use cases where in-housing a programmatic team may be more effective than using an agency trading desk:

  1. Brand control: If a company wants to maintain strict control over their brand and messaging, an in-house programmatic team may be the better option.
  2. Customized campaigns: An in-house team has a deeper understanding of the company’s target audience and can create customized campaigns that may not be possible with an agency.
  3. Data analysis: As mentioned previously, an in-house team retains ownership of all data collected, allowing for better insights and analysis.
  4. Quick changes: In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, the ability to make quick changes to campaigns can be crucial. An in-house team has the flexibility to make these changes without the need for approval from an external agency.

Overall, the decision to in-house a programmatic team versus using an agency trading desk ultimately depends on the needs and goals of a company. In-housing a programmatic team can offer cost-saving, control, data ownership, and flexibility, but it also requires a significant investment in terms of time and resources. An agency trading desk may have more experience and resources, but it may not offer the same level of control and customization. Companies should carefully consider their needs and weigh both options’ pros and cons before deciding.


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Food Targeting Categories

Since 2008, Gourmet Ads has been the global leader in food-focused advertising, specializing in Contextual Targeting. Discover a wide range of Food Targeting Categories for your next advertising campaign or programmatic deals, including Alcohol, Beverage, Cuisine, Diet, Ingredient, Kitchen Appliances, Non-Endemic, Publisher, and Recipe Targeting. We ensure your brand resonates with an engaged, culinary-inclined audience, transforming advertising campaigns into deliciously successful endeavors. Experience Gourmet Ads—where your message meets the appetite of your desired market.

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