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What Is Cost Per Result?

Cost Per Result, otherwise referred to as CPR, is a metric used by marketers to measure the success of their digital advertising endeavors. It’s native to Facebook Ads and gauges cost-effectiveness as it relates to a campaign’s total spend and output.

Like its name suggests, CPR addresses the cost per specific result of  an ad campaign. The desired result could be any number of actions, but is typically a conversion, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading an app.

CPR is a valuable metric because it allows marketers to see how much they’re spending on ads in relation to the number of conversions they’re getting. This provides insight into whether or not a campaign is worth continuing and can help to optimize ad spend.



CPR and CPM (Cost Per Mille/Thousand) are  two similar, but distinct measures. CPM is a more general metric that looks at the cost of an ad per 1,000 impressions. It doesn’t take into account specific results or conversions, but can be useful for gauging the overall effectiveness of an ad.

CPR, on the other hand, is laser-focused on conversions and can give a more accurate picture of how successful an ad campaign is. For this reason, CPR is typically more useful for performance-based campaigns where the goal is to generate leads or sales.


Calculating CPR

There are a few different ways to calculate CPR, but the most common is  by dividing an ad campaign’s total spend by the number of conversions.

For example, if you’ve spent $500 on ads and generated 50 leads, your CPR would be $10.

CPR can also be calculated by dividing the total cost of an ad by the number of clicks. This is less common, but can still be useful for campaigns where clicks are the desired result.


The Benefits of Tracking CPR

There are a number of benefits to tracking CPR, including the following.

Optimized Ad Spend

One of the main advantages of tracking CPR is that it can help to optimize ad spend. By understanding how much you’re spending on ads per conversion, you can make changes to your campaign in order to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Improved ROI

Another benefit of tracking CPR is that it can help to improve your overall ROI. By knowing how much you’re spending on ads and how many conversions you’re getting, you can adjust your budget and goals accordingly. This can lead to a more successful campaign and a better return on the dollars you’re putting into it.

Better Insights

Tracking CPR can also provide valuable insights into your target audience and how they interact with your ads. This information can be used to improve your ad strategy and make sure that you’re reaching the right people with the right message.

Cost Per Result is an essential term to know if you’re  running a digital ad campaign. It’s a measure of how much you’re spending on ads in relation to the number of conversions you’re getting, and can be used to optimize ad spend and improve ROI. If you’re not tracking CPR, you should be!

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