Advertiser Objectives
Gourmet Ads worked with this leading kitchenware brand campaign for over 3 years, running multiple campaigns during that period. Their kitchenware products were consistently aimed towards females, aged 25-54 who were the household cook, and those that enjoyed cooking, as such this was our targeting across all of the advertising campaigns.
The largest advertising campaign Gourmet Ads ran was for the launch of their online ecommerce website. There were two goals, drive relevant traffic to newly designed website and have them signup to the regular newsletter. Expectations were 5% sign up rate.
Our Solution
We ran this Managed Services campaign, focusing on three main trafficking options, leveraging our contextual targeting technology.
Recipe Content – any sort of recipe
Gourmet Content – recipes like Sous Vide
Retargeting – Users that visited their site but did not convert (newsletter or sale)
Apart from contextual and retargeting pixels we also applied the following benchmarks;
70% Viewability
Target Click Through Rate of 0.3%
Frequency Capping 1/24 and 20 per lifetime
The Results
Gourmet Ads used a combination of automatic optimization as well as manual optimization to increase the CTR (click through rate), Conversion Rate and Viewability to maximize the Return on Investment.
We found that certain ad sizes performed better than others, so whilst the creative was changed frequently, providing our audiences a new set of creative, we excluded low performing creative sizes to maximize CTR rate. After the first few weeks into the campaign, we removing sites from the media plan where performance was low also helped.
Consistently High Click Through Rate of 0.36%
Exceeded client’s expectations in terms of performance (Newsletter Signups) 8.2%
Client rebooked multiple times after the first campaign and we worked with them for a period of 3 years.
Advertiser : Global Kitchenware Brads
Category : Kitchenware
Market : USA
Media Types : Display
Execution : Managed Service
Budget : USD$60K
Let’s Get Started !
Let the Gourmet Ads team walk you through all the options available to ensure that your Food, Supermarket, Beverage or Kitchen advertising campaign has the best possible combination of Premium Guaranteed Inventory, Scale, First Party Data, Contextual Targeting and Programmatic Advertising elements.