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What Is A Good Click Through Rate?

When it comes to whether or not your advertising campaigns are working for you, an important variable to keep an eye on is your click-through rate (or CTR). This shows the percentage of people who were compelled enough by your advertising technique to click through to your site. It’s become a hot topic on the internet, but underlying this, most people want to know whether or not their CTR is good or good enough?

Like many things on the internet, however, a good CTR depends on many different variables. In a lot of cases, your CTR isn’t as important as your conversion rate. Consider programmatic advertising pros and cons before implementation. However, it’s a useful metric to follow to make sure you can have a keen overview of your marketing strategy.

CPG companies are keen to achieve a high CTR for their online advertising campaigns because it correlates directly with increased sales and revenue. But what is CPG? A CPG company has its own store as well as a website. A CPG company is concerned with the physical products that consumers purchase. They are primarily in charge of managing those items on a daily basis. CPG companies can target specific audiences and advertise their products to a large number of potential customers by utilizing digital marketing channels such as social media platforms, search ads, and display advertising.

Why Does A Higher CTR Matter?

A High Click Through Rate is particularly desirable because it means you’ll generally get a better yield from your advertising dollars spent. It is essential to remember that click through rate benchmarks by industry are just estimations and that CTR can vary greatly depending on a variety of factors. It is also vital to constantly monitor and optimize your campaigns in order to achieve the best results. Industry standards click-through rates might differ based on the advertising channel, ad structure, target market, and other elements. Whilst focusing on advertising that generates clicks if leads or sales are important, you need to also focus attention on the on-page conversion rate.

Factors that contribute to high CTR:

  • Ensuring that your message is clear and easy to understand
  • Having an eye-catching or appealing creative push
  • Demonstrating strong branding of your brand or a specific product
  • Strategic use of video and flash animation
  • Making sure you have a strong call to action (CTA)

It’s also important to remember that different kinds of ads will experience a different kind of CTR – a lot of which depends on the amount of exposure your ad gets. Still, it can be helpful to have a general guideline that allows you to see the benchmark for this kind of ad, and how it varies depending on the marketing platform you use.

Display Ads (Banners)

Display ads have relatively low CTR, but they do have a positive effect on pushing both brand awareness and intent to buy. The CTR on Display Ads is around 0.11%.

Video Advertising

Of all of the digital ad formats, video advertising enjoys the highest average CTR. In general, video ads have a CTR of 1.84%.

Native Advertising

Native Ads enjoy much more success on mobile platforms than on desktops. Typically, a premium Native Ad viewed via a smartphone enjoys a CTR of up to 0.38%. Even on a desktop, the average CTR is 0.16%. These Native Advertising Examples highlight the reason for the high CTR. The majority of advertisers use Native Ads for social networking websites because our Native Ad Specs comply with OpenRTB Specs. All Native Ad Units are hosted on our ad server.

High Impact Advertising

High Impact Advertising is designed for desktop and laptop users who are specifically interested in your products and services. high impact media is intended for desktop and laptop users and targets viewers who are most interested in your product. Studies have found that high impact ads deliver much higher levels of unaided brand recall, ad recognition, and brand recognition.

Click Through Rate Tactics

The average click thru rate varies greatly by industry, format, platform, and ad placement. On average, typically our advertisers see Click Through Rates of anywhere between 0.13% and 0.38%. When setting up campaigns we use campaign KPIs / Goals to set a desired CTR Rate. Then as the campaign runs, our algorithms are constantly optimizing to hit and exceed the campaign KPI / Goal, which is why we typically get better CTR Rates compared to others.