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Types of Advertising

Whilst Gourmet Ads predominately work across Display, Mobile, Video, and Native, there are many different types of advertisement out there. For food and CPG brand advertisers, it may be difficult to choose among the best advertising techniques. Here are some types of ad units found in various types of advertising such as video ads, native ads, or banner ad design. Our team helps food brands to decide the type of advertising and how it can be utilized completely.

Some food managers, superstores, and retailers do not have any idea about CPG and they often ask questions like what is CPG? what is contextual marketing? what are the advertising types, etc. Many such managers and retailers do not work properly before entering the CPG market. Therefore, they are not able to excel in the market because they lack proper information.

Small and medium-sized businesses who want to quickly grow their customer base and boost their overall earnings should absolutely invest in advertising. The goal of creative advertising is to establish a brand image and increase brand awareness in addition to promoting a product or service.

There is a rich variety of various advertising approaches that a small or medium-sized company can take. On one hand, a brand can choose from the more traditional advertising mediums, such as newspapers, radio, television ads, etc. One of the earliest types of advertising is print ads. However, digital and online advertising has become the norm for marketing campaigns. If one’s brand can make it in the highly competitive food industry, they’ll need to do so through digital ad platforms.

Creative advertising ideas can help businesses stand out in a crowded marketplace, capture their target audience’s attention, and ultimately drive sales. Investing with a strategy in mind when it comes to advertising for one’s small business can result in a substantial ROI (return on investment), which can bring valuable new customers or clients to your brand. But when it comes down to it, what mode of digital advertising should one choose?

Advertising types are not mutually exclusive, but some may be a better choice for a specific niche than others. We’re going to cover all of the different types out there so you don’t have to do the guesswork.

Types of Advertising for Your Marketing Plan

We will discuss the main types of advertising as we know the major differences between Marketing vs Advertising. Also, we will look into media planning questions that should be taken into account while creating a campaign for different types of advertising.

1. Display Advertising

Display advertising, also known as banner advertising, is a form of advertising that can be seen as a sort of online billboard. Display ads can be static or moving, but typically follow the pattern of being at the top of a website in the form of a horizontal banner. This form of advertising usually is intended to tell a quick story visually while creating an overall identifiable brand identity. Banner ads are quick conversations, not in-depth thought pieces.

One will typically find display ads on websites and some social media websites.

2. Video Advertising 

Video ads are hugely popular forms of advertising because they are visually and audibly engaging. There are two main ways one can advertise with videos– through instream video and through outstream video. A lot of the time, brands will opt for both forms in order to get the most of their advertising campaign.

Instream video defines the placement of video ads in correlation to the content a consumer opted to view. Instream videos can involve pre-roll (before the chosen video is played), mid-roll (in the middle of the chosen video), and post-roll (after the video has finished) video advertisements. Outstream video advertisements (which goes hand-in-hand with native advertising) plays when a user navigates to the video within an article.

3. Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising is exploding in popularity, and it certainly makes sense why. Potential customers are on their mobile devices more than their standard desktop or laptop computer, so mobile ads are one of the best ways to get viewers.

Mobile ads can include display, search, video, app, and social media ads that are targeted specifically for mobile consumption. Videos are probably one of the best ad forms for mobile devices.

4. Native Advertising

One of the most common forms of disruptive advertising (Ads) meaning is pop-up ads. How often have you personally paid attention to disruptive ads like these? Pop-up ads and autoplay video ads may seem like a quick way to get your product in front of eyes, but how effective are they?

Disruptive ads are not a recommended method for marketing. Its opposite, native advertising, is significantly better. Native advertising, also known as sponsored content, are advertisements that match the style, flow, and function of the platform or website where it appears. These ads are often in the form of articles, blog posts, videos, or photos and are designed to look as if they really belong on the platform. Businesses must pay close attention to native ad specs in order to create effective native advertising campaigns. Our team has compiled some native advertising examples to show how you can use native advertising.

5. Audio Advertising

Popular programmatic audio advertising solutions include podcasts, online radio, and music streaming services. Typically, audio ads involve fifteen to sixty-second audio clips.

Audio advertising is useful because it can be used to reach music or podcast listeners who are already paying attention to their chosen listening channel. Programmatic advertising with audio aims to get that audio clip to relevant potential customers based on location and listening habits.

6. Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising is a very well-known form of advertising that is popular due to its low cost.

Businesses can make accounts on websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They can then post on those networks for free, essentially using social media as free advertising. Most social media websites also offer paid advertising opportunities that are also fairly inexpensive but tend to be difficult to track efficiently with analytics.

7. Pay Per Click Search Advertising

Pay Per Click (PPC) search advertising, also known as paid search advertising, involves the process of bidding on different specific keywords so that related search advertisements are placed on different specific areas of the results page. If you’ve ever searched for something via Google, for example, you’ve likely seen advertisements for different businesses on the side of the page, tops of the page, etc.

Advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. This mode of advertising tends to be less authentic. Popular PPC companies include Google Ads and Bing Ads.

Our Passion is Food Advertising

Gourmet Ads are experts in shopper marketing and food & supermarket advertising platforms for every type of brand involved in the food industry. We advertise for publishers from supermarkets, food delivery services, consumer packaged goods brands, cuisine specialists, and everyone else in between. Food blog advertising needs special attention and food brands must decide which type of advertising they need for their company.

Gourmet Ads directly manages thousands of cuisine blogs and food websites. We have helped several companies with our Food Advertisement Examples and we’re passionate about getting potential customers connected with your brand through authentic, appropriate, and relational online advertising methods. We offer business advertisers and their subsequent advertising agencies a fantastically diverse range of programmatic advertising solutions– including display ads, video ads, audio ads, native ads, and mobile ads.