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Standard Banner Sizes

Have you been struggling to figure out which size of banner ads to display on your site? Although it often pays to be creative, when it comes to displaying banner ads on your website, it’s best to go with the existing standard sizes. We have also compiled banner ad design suggestions so that you can easily choose your favourite design.

That’s because the standard sizes for these types of online display ads are already optimized for the most commonly used devices and browsers. This article covers all of the information you need about how to create the best sized banner ads for your purposes, including the numbers for standard banner sizes.

Here’s what you need to know…

Don’t create your own random sizes

There is no “one best banner size”. The size you need for a digital display ad varies based on the website layout where the ad will be displayed.


There is no reason to try to generate new sizes for banner ads. The sizes have already been optimized. What you need to do is make sure you have as in the sizes that fit current devices. And the standard IAB sizes do just that.

So that’s all you need to do — create all the possible IAB sizes.

Don’t just use banners

Advertising isn’t just about banner ads though. It’s important to consider all of your creative assets. The thing is, no one’s going to even click on your ad if the rest of your creative content is not compelling. To that end, it makes sense to use native and video ads as well.

Ensure that the campaign has at least 70% viewability targeting implemented

From a traffic perspective, it makes absolutely no sense to pay to display an ad if your audience never sees it. To make sure you’re not wasting your advertising budget, You want to make sure that you can utilize software for display at you ability tracking.

Use an experienced designer

It goes without saying that your banner ads need to be designed well. The number of users switching to primarily mobile devices continues to grow. And that means the majority of advertisements people are seeing are also on double devices, with smaller screens.

To that end, it pays to transition your ads to the new IAB standards with lightweight, cross-screen, flexible sized ads. In order to meet those standards, you’re going to need to use an experienced designer who knows how to create digital display ads correctly.

Messaging needs to be relevant to the audience

In addition to making sure that your ads display correctly on the devices your audience is most likely to use, you also need to make sure that the content of the ad is relevant to that audience. Part of that is making sure that your messaging fits the content of where it’s being advertised.

You can check out more detailed information about each of our banner ad size options by following the ad size links above.

Let the Gourmet Ads team walk you through all the options available to ensure that your Food, Supermarket, Beverage or Kitchen campaign has the best possible combination of digital display ads sizes.