Categories: Programmatic Advertising|By |2.5 min read|


If you’re an advertiser and have been hearing terms like app-ads.txt or ads.txt or sellers.json lately, you’re probably scratching your head. It seems like a bunch of programmatic jargon– but really, these terms are simple to understand and very worth learning about. To start, let’s look at sellers.json.

What is Sellers.json?

To properly define sellers.json, we’ll first need to define ads.txt.

Ads.txt is a very simple and flexible method that publishers, advertisers, and distributors can use to declare who is allowed to sell their inventory. This security measure adds transparency to the programmatic ad buying process. Ads.txt supports several supplier relationships which include:

  • Domain owners who sell on exchanges via their specific accounts
  • Networks as well as salespeople who sell ads programmatically for domain owners
  • Content syndications partners that have more than one authorized sellers represent all of the same inventory

This project presents a number of different counterfeit inventory problems in the market by making the process of buying and selling more transparent in the digital programmatic supply chain.

Sellers.json is the next step from ads.txt, but with a .json file instead of a .txt file. Ads.txt makes it possible for advertising buyers to see what ad vendors and publishers have authorized to sell in their inventory, it doesn’t go exactly into depth in those inventories. Ad vendors that are buying and selling impressions in the market will usually work with a large volume of middlemen resellers, which in turn all work with additional resellers. It’s an extremely complex web of entities involved in programmatic advertising, and it is extremely difficult to track who is reselling the inventory of whom, or who is allowed by the vendor to have a relationship with the publisher.

Now, sellers.json provides a substantial solution to this problem. Sellers.json is like the SSP’s version of a publisher’s ads.txt. In this file, SSPs and ad exchanges will need to list their authorized reseller partners, their seller IDs, and everything they know about the legal entity who owns the business.

Sellers.json benefits just about everyone in the programmatic marketing game. The only people who could suffer are suspicious players who have no business operating in marketing in the first place. Ad buyers and DSPs can buys ads on the open exchange with the reassurance that all resellers involved are legitimate. If anything, ads.txt and sellers.json will encourage more advertisers to get involved in programmatic marketing.

Our sellers.json

Gourmet Ads takes great pride in facilitating a safe and secure environment for programmatic marketing. We are an advertising platform that focuses on everything food. You can trust that the thousands of high-quality food blogs and websites we manage, and the relationships we forge between publishers, advertisers, and brands are transparent and extremely secure.