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Retargeting Ideas

Interested in running Retargeting Ads but don’t know where to start? Retargeting is one of the best methods to reach, engage and drive back in touch with customers who may not have been wholly convinced of your brand, services, or products and close the conversion, make the sale or get an enquiry.

So where can one start with Retargeting? Luckily, we have a list of Retargeting ideas for display, video, or native online advertising. Let’s start by making it clear what ad Retargeting is.

What is Retargeting?

Retargeting company is specialized service providers that assist businesses in reaching potential clients who have expressed interest in their goods or services but have not yet converted to consumers. Ad Retargeting is a process that makes it possible to remind your consumers of your brand, products, and services after they have left your business website without making a purchase. Retargeting website visitors has several advantages. One benefit is that it works well to raise brand recognition. Retargeting makes it possible to show your visitors highly relevant ads when they decide to visit different websites. Retargeting can work well with application, search, and website banner advertisements.  Retargeting agencies are experts in this strategy and can assist businesses in increasing their sales by displaying customized ads to people who have already expressed interest in goods or services.

Ad remarketing can be a highly efficient method for improving conversions and increasing awareness of a brand. Remarketing ads refer to advertisements that are displayed to visitors who have previously visited a website or interacted with a brand. This marketing can be seen across a variety of online channels, including social media, search engines, and third-party websites. Remarketing advertisements can be customized to specific audiences depending on their behavior, demographics, or hobbies. A remarketing campaign is a marketing approach that involves the creation and distribution of remarketing advertisements. The campaign’s goal is to increase conversions by reaching out to users who have previously expressed interest in a product or service. Remarketing campaigns can take multiple forms, including display ads, social media ads, and email marketing. They frequently use personalized messaging and incentives, such as discounts or free shipping, to persuade customers to take action. To assist businesses in maximizing their ROI and achieving their marketing objectives, the best retargeting companies provide a combination of advanced technology, expert support, and efficient targeting techniques.

10 Retargeting Ideas

Our Managed Services team is always asked for interesting and creative ideas for retargeting campaigns. Here are 10 ideas that can be included in your next Retargeting program.

1. Retargeting Specific URL visits

There are two techniques or strategies around Retargeting a specific URL. First, there is the relevancy of Retargeting play. I.e. users look at a specific URL and then you Retarget with at that ad that is about that page, thus bringing them back to convert.

The second strategy is when you know a specific URL drives high level of conversions. Maybe that potential customer is bouncing around different pages on your site but doesn’t for whatever reason hit the specific URL. You can use the various URLs to run a retargeting ads to bring them back to the specific URL what drives conversions.

2. Retarget Every Stage of the Sales Journey

One aspect of a great Retargeting strategy involves targeting at every stage of the sales journey or funnel. This is very effective for brands that have long sales cycles. Try creating displays ads that can help nudge your leads along the sales journey from awareness to purchase.

One way to see how effective your Retargeting ads are is through page tracking. It may seem a little difficult to track page views and collect the actions that consumers are taking on your site on your own. That’s why Gourmet Ads’ Universal Pixel is such a good choice in terms of page tracking during the Retargeting process.

3. Retargeting Existing Customers

This is a tactic that e-commerce brands have been using for a long time. You can sell an additional product or service that is related to the product the customer just recently purchase. You can achieve this by Retargeting them with highly relevant ads.

4. Show Previously Viewed Content

Online shoppers love to bounce around e-commerce stores and may lose track of some items they were considering. You can retarget these shoppers by showing them their previously viewed content on relevant ads or even at the bottom of the store page. You also have the option of Retargeting through emails as well. Many brands will send out Retargeting emails that are somewhere along the lines of “Forget something?” or “This Product is Still in Your Cart.”

5. Retarget using Ads with Discounts Codes and Offers

Perhaps a potential lead shied away from your website because a particular product they were interested in was very expensive, not necessarily because it just didn’t connect with them. This may be more common than you think. You can retarget these types of consumers by showing them ads with relevant discount codes and special offers like free shipping.

6. Retarget with Video Creative (as well as Banners)

Relying only on banner or display ads isn’t always a perfect plan. We always recommend to advertisers to providing every possible creative assets they can including Video (and Native).

If you are targeting a younger audience, using video creative is key. Sure, video may attract a significantly higher CPM rate. But video creative could be massively beneficial to your Retargeting ad campaign as a whole.

7. Change Retargeting Ad Creatives

Along with investing a little time and money into video and native creative for your Retargeting ads, you should also consider changing Retargeting ad creatives in general. Your ads need to be fresh. And a surfer may get bored with your ad creative. To prevent this, you simply need to make sure that you are rotating your Retargeting ads very frequently. If a display ad campaign isn’t converting at all, then it’s time to change it out with something else to test out a new aesthetic or communication approach. You may improve your click-through rate right away. We suggest changing your Ad Creatives each month.

8. Use Retargeting Ads with Urgency

If a consumer is spending a lot of time cruising different websites for a relevant product or service, they should be receiving those Retargeting ads as quickly as possible. Urgency is key, and that also needs to come across in the ad copy. Mention last-minute deals, an exclusive sale, and anything that will make them afraid of missing out on a potentially great offer. Take advantage of any ad customizers you may have to quickly insert countdown counters on your ads.

We have some advertising clients that go one step further. They will provide detailed pricing guides when retargeting. I.e. people who visit the site within the last hour bid $30 CPM. Within the last 3 hours bid $15 CPM, Last 6 hours big $12 CPM, within the last 12 hours $10 CPM and withing the last 24 hours $8 CPM within the last 48 hours $7 CPM. Then stop advertising at 48-hour mark as they have probably purchased the product then.

9. Retarget People who haven’t completed their Cart

Maybe a visitor wants to become a customer, but for the time being, they just want to toss a few things into their cart and maybe wait for a sale or a coupon code. A lot of times, these website viewers will simply abandon their carts because they forgot about them. Our Universal Pixel allows us to recognize this and target these users specifically.

Use Retargeting ad copy that makes a note of the fact that they haven’t completed their cart and need to act fast. This ties into the urgency factor we mentioned above. The only difference is that you are simply reminding them of your brand and the products that they were interested in, just in case they got distracted and moved on with their browsing.

10. Retargeting with Related Products Creatives

It makes perfect sense why it’s a good idea to showcase products that you know a potential customer is interested in through your ads. They were interested enough to put some interest into a specific product of yours, so you should display some items from the same product category or brand name in your Retargeting ads. This can get potential customers interested in your products again by showing them what they could be missing out on when it comes to things that they actually enjoy or need.