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Retargeting Ads

Retargeting is an important process for any marketing professional. This process involves targeting customers and potential customers after they leave your brand’s website without purchasing a product or service.

One very lucrative part of retargeting involves retargeting ads. This type of marketing makes it possible to show your visitors ads that they are more likely to engage with on other websites, usually through advertisements as banners, videos, etc. Retargeting can seriously increase a brand’s sales and create a better, more trustworthy brand presence.

Let’s break down what Retargeting Ads are and how to create the best possible retargeting ad campaign

What are Retargeting Ads?

Retargeting ads are the advertisements that consumers will see after they leave a brand’s website without purchasing anything. This is done through the use of pixels, which are attached to the advertisements so that individual IP addresses will automatically be shown relevant ads.

Typically, these ads are used to entice the customer to return back to the website to complete the transaction of the product they have previously looked at. Retargeting ads use consumer analytics and research to determine what will change a customer’s mind about making a purchase or engaging with a brand.

Tips and Tricks for Creating Retargeting Ads

There are quite a few tips and tricks out there for creating the best possible retargeting ad campaigns:

A consumer will likely associate the imagery from your ads with their less than thrilling experience shopping your brand. Consumers already know who you are, so there’s no point in showing them the same generic ads. Your retargeting campaign should focus more on providing the best possible ad to overturn any previous sales objections.

For your more visual ads, show off the products that you already know the consumer is interested in. Dynamic remarketing advertisements show the products that an individual has viewed on their last visit. With time and space away from your brand, you can remind the consumer why they were interested in your product in the first place. This can lead to many more conversions.

Utilize urgency, but don’t overwhelm your viewers. Urgency is that little push that could encourage a somewhat-interested consumer to make a purchase “before it’s too late.” These ads can be the best place to offer discounts, freebies, or show how many products are left to purchase, or offer incentives with a time limit that they will disappear if the consumer does not convert immediately. Coupon codes and discounts are classic retargeting tactics that is tried and true, and you can utilize them in online ads.

Encourage those who abandoned their carts to continue the check-out process with catchy copy and eye-catching graphics in the ads. Many people abandon their carts so it’s your responsibility to ensure they don’t forget about your brand.

Consider always-on retargeting ads. These ad campaigns are ongoing, 24/7. Ongoing ad campaigns like this are excellent for retargeting existing and potential customers at all points of the customer journey. Gourmet Ads currently offers an always-on retargeting program with a minimal starting budget to get you started.