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Political Advertising

Gourmet Ads does accept Political Advertising, but some publishers request we block it and as such we block political advertising within Open Exchange. All Political Advertising must be transacted using your own DSP (Demand Side Platform) and run via PMP / Deal ID. This is so we can ensure that you only run on publishers that allow Political Advertising.

We offer political parties, political candidates and their advertising agencies a unique audience / demographic of Female 25-54 who are typically the household decision-maker, who tend to be moms.

We are integrated with nearly all (DSPs)Demand Side Platforms, please contact us to check.

Gourmet Ads requires all political advertisers be transparent and require Ad Creatives to clearly declare their candidate and their Party and follow all required low laws and not make misleading claims. We also allow Political Action Committees, but they must also be transparent.

We can setup our Always On Deals or we can setup custom deals that can include ;

Display, Video or Native Media Formats

We offer a range of banner ad sizes, Instream Video, Outstream Video and Large Native Formats.


Our PMPs / Deals optimize to Viewability in Real time.

Contextual Targeting

We can create custom contextual targeting segments for your campaign. Leverage audience traits to find voters.

URL Targeting

We’ll build a custom list of URLs that we can run on (limited to DSP).

Audience Targeting

We have a wide range of Audience Segments available ( i.e. Household Decision Makers )


We can do National, State, Zip, DMA or Longitude and Latitude targeting. Add geofencing to your campaigns.

Most political parties, political candidates and their advertising agencies, tend to us their own First Party Data for their Political Advertising campaigns run leveraging their own First Party Data, however we can layer in 3rd Party Data Partners for Deals should you wish to add that element.

For more information on setting up Deals for Political Advertising, please Contact Us.