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Free Advertising

For small businesses, getting the right kind of advertising that turns leads into conversions can be tough. It can also be a bit pricey. While most good advertising is worth the investment, especially if it’s through a programmatic targeted ad platform like Gourmet Ads, nobody would complain about a bit of free advertising.

So how can one take advantage of free advertising? It all comes down to bonus impressions and customer appreciation programs.

Bonus Advertising Impressions

When a brand’s website grows in popularity and starts seeing an increase in traffic, their ad revenue will also increase, as well as their ad serving expensive. While it’s great that a brand’s website is getting a boost in popularity, the cost for ad revenue will increase quite a bit and could put some financial strain on the company.

When working through an advertising platform, some brands may be able to score bonus impressions via the advertising platform’s customer appreciation program.

Impressions are the count of the total number of times an ad is displayed on a viewer’s screen within a specific network. Bonus impressions are essentially additional free ad impressions that are tacked onto an existing account via a customer appreciation program. For some advertising companies, these bonus impressions are measured in a certain percentage increase each month, or a set rate of bonus ad impressions per account. For some bonus impression programs, the savings a brand could get will increase over the lifetime of the account.

For example, if a brand’s current impression credit amount is around 1,000 every month and the customer appreciation program provides a 3% increase each month, then that account would be around 1,030 at the end of the month. If a customer appreciation program offers 10,000 monthly credits for every account that purchases around 1,000,000 credits per month, then such accounts would be at 1,010,000 at the end of the month.

It’s worth noting that customer appreciation programs will target specific accounts, such as charities or customers who have been with the platform for more than a year. Many advertising platforms offer bonus impressions to accounts that stick with them for a while, so it can definitely be worth your while to continue working with one specific platform.

How Can Gourmet Ads Help?

While we may not be giving out completely free advertising, we are offering registered food-related global registered charities a bonus for any and all campaigns booked with Gourmet Ads in the form of impressions through our customer appreciation program.

So how does it work? Let’s say that your specific charity books about 10 million impressions with Gourmet Ads. Well triple that amount and boost your charity’s ad campaign to 20 million impressions. Essentially, that’s a whopping 10 million impressions worth of free advertising.

We care about our charities and want to give back, just as our charities give back to their communities.