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Cooking Ad Network

Earlier today, one of our account managers was asked by a prospective media buyer at a kitchenware company if Gourmet Ads was a Cooking Ad Network. The reason the advertiser was asking, was specifically they were seeking the ability to run advertising nearby online recipes. The kitchenware media buyer added that placements located nearby online recipes was essential because this is where they had been seeing the best conversions of their brand and they wanted to scale their advertising. It should come as a surprise, but our observations over the past 12 months are very similar, especially when pair specific products with related recipes. So, after that question we thought we should highlight some of the targeting options and types of websites within Gourmet Ads as to illustrate that we are very much a Cooking Ad Network and that we run next to online recipes.

Here is a brief outline of our Capabilities

Contextual Cooking Targeting

Our contextual targeting technology can pair a product advertisement for say a food processor with a recipe that uses a food processor like pesto or guacamole. We have a top 10 food blogs on cooking that you should check out. The more relevant the product and the content the better the performance.

Contextual Targeting we typically offer includes;

Audience Targeting

Apart from Targeting Content, a key stone feature of our Cooking Ad Network is the ability to target people who are categorized from content they have previous looked or behavioral based activities. Some of our most popular audience segments include ;

  • Grocery Shopper Segment
  • Household Cooks Segment
  • Decision Maker Segment
  • Female Inferred Segment
  • Male Inferred Segment
  • Coupon Users Segment
  • Diet & Weight Loss Segment

Websites in Gourmet Ads

Websites that make up the Gourmet Ads Cooking Ad Network include the following categories ;

  • Recipe Websites
  • User Generated Recipe Sites
  • Cooking Video Sites
  • Recipe Search Engines
  • Cooking Forums
  • Food Blogs
  • Cookbook Reviews
  • Diet Websites

Publisher Vetting & Review

In 2008 when Gourmet Ads was founded, one of the first pieces of software we developed was a publisher vetting system to analyze publisher content quality to determine if they were a publisher, we’ve like to be part of Gourmet Ads. Years later with hundreds and hundreds of tweaks and improvements it’s the cornerstone of why Gourmet Ads is the world’s leading Cooking Ad Network.