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Audience Segmentation

How you can use Audience Segmentation in your Advertising Campaign

Audience segmentation is a concept that has existed for quite some time, though many new advertisers are just now getting into implementing it as an advertising strategy.

Let’s look at what audience segmentation is and how you can use this strategy to improve your ad targeting efforts.

What is Audience Segmentation?

Audience segmentation, or target audience segmentation, is a type of marketing strategy that is based on analyzing and identifying groups within a target audience for the purpose of delivering specialized messaging. This is usually done in advertising to establish more tangible connections with a highly convertible or dedicated group of potential customers. We can classify audiences more easily in segments through 1st party data and 3rd party data.

The groups are usually based on very specific demographics, which can include:

  • Location (geographically)
  • Gender identity
  • Age
  • Nationality or ethnicity
  • General income
  • Education level
  • Buying habits such as previous purchases

For more advanced audience segmentation, psychoanalytics can be used to learn more about an audience’s personality types, values, and other beliefs.

Why is Audience Segmentation Important?

For many beginner advertisers, it may seem like planning a very generalized and uniform advertising campaign may be the best time-saving and money-saving solution. However, this is not always the case, especially when it comes to the food and wine industry. It is very important to specifically target the types of people who are more likely to convert. Businesses can more successfully contact their ideal clients and market their services by using different types of advertising.

Just as well, a more refined and highly targeted advertising campaign is more effective at building rapport and trust with customers who are likely to become brand ambassadors or repeat buyers.

Types of Audience Segmentation

There are a few different types of audience segmentation that advertisers can use to their advantage:

  • This includes the basics like age, income, location, etc.
  • Buyer journey. The buyer’s journey progress strategy involves looking at where a buyer is on their journey, be it awareness, considering, or deciding.
  • This involves looking at what the audience is buying, how often they are buying, and why they are buying particular things.
  • The device a segmented audience group uses may require different marketing, such as desktop vs. mobile devices.
  • The level of engagement of a customer, or whether or not your customers are regular buyers, should determine what kind of advertising they receive.

Audience Segmentation Example

There are many specialized examples of audience segmentation in the food industry.

One would be a behavior-based segment that targets fans of a variety of cuisine types and specialty foods. This demographic is not very brand-loyal but does enjoy responding to promotions and new product offerings.

The Best Food and Grocery Advertising Solution

Gourmet Ads is a food and wine advertising platform that works with just about every type of food-based business out there to reach the most engaged segmented audience groups. A message that resonates with the target audience can be created with the help of media planning questions. We believe that every brand campaign should be unique and different in order to connect with very specific audience groups that convert.